My Manifesto
– Do things that make me laugh and I will do anything I can to get others to laugh. I must be around people who make me laugh. Laughter is the best drug in the world. If I can not laugh out loud because I am hurting, watch something funny. Watch other’s laugh at funny things.
– Read books and words voraciously. Books cost $15 at the most. If I can glean one insight out of each book (be it on the human spirit or a mechanical engineering fact that you can use in a future discussion) I would gladly pay $15. I spend $15 on bullshit every day that lasts no longer than the amount of time that it takes to unconsciously consume it yet I sometimes hesitate to buy a book. I will not hesitate next time. Having a pile of books to read is the best present I can give your mind.
– Do not unconsciously consume anything. Ever. My mind is the one gift that I have to enrich people’s lives. I do not want to waste that by mindlessly listening, watching, or reading things that do not add value to my mind.
– Understand that every person you see today is going to die. It could be tomorrow. Treat them with kindness.
– Spend my time with people that I love and who love me. I have a short time on this earth. I want to be spending it with the people that make me love and laugh.
– Find people who can teach you something. Spend time with them. Find people who want to learn from you. Spend time with them. Lives are better when we partner with each other to get better.
– Do not eat bad food. No, I am not saying that I never splurge (if you say me, you would know this). But when I do, make it good food. Make it the best fucking food. Realize that there are artisans out there who spend their days growing and making really great food. Find them. Support them. Life is better when we are all making art.
– Ask questions. Not to be annoying but the next time you wonder “how the hell do bridges stay up?”, look it up. Or the next time you hear someone say my favorite book is “Confederacy of Dunces”, do yourself a favor and look it up. Of course, if someone actually told me that their favorite book was that one, I would high five them and say “hell yes”
– Challenge myself to do one uncomfortable thing each day. I am shy. Very shy. But I am trying to not be. Maybe it is to say “Hi” to a person in the elevator. Maybe it is to volunteer to speak in front of a group. Maybe it is to act with 100% honesty in the day (without hurting anyone). Maybe it is to reach out to a person that I always wanted to reach out to but was afraid to. Do it. The worst that can happen is better than doing nothing. Doing nothing is lazy.
– Walk often. Alone or with others or with dogs (just not with a cat). Stressed? Walk. Depressed? Walk. Feeling great? Walk. Be a flaneur of life. Shit, that is a great tag line. I want to be a flaneur of life. Trademarking that shit right now.
– Be honest with everyone. If I spend my life acquiescing to everyone else, I will find myself in situations that I do not enjoy and they will be hurt. Be honest. Always.
– Tell stories. Funny stories preferably but honest stories trump all. Stories are the currency of our lives. They tell of our hopes and dreams. Our successes and failures. Our personalities and our weaknesses. Tell them to people. Ask them to tell me some of theirs. They are so fun to hear.
– Be creative every day. Share that creativity with others. (I am doing that now, btw).
– Be grateful every day for my life. Be grateful for everything and everyone. But find one new thing each day to be grateful for. Write it down.
– Listen to good music. Do you know what I think good music is? Whatever makes me feel something.
– Today is the only thing that I can control. The past is gone. The future is not guaranteed. Be mindful of this. Today is what I can control. Today is what I can control. Be the best today.
– Be kind to those around me. They are amazing people.
– Love myself.
– Do not begrudge others their opinions. Everyone enjoys something different.